Social Business Bites: Your Favorite Emoji and You | Instagram & Influencer Transparency | New Look Skype

Published: Thu, 06/15/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • What Your Favorite Emoji Says About You
  • Instagram's New 'Paid Partnership' Tags
  • Introducing the Next Generation of Skype
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Steve Blakeman

When Shigetaka Kurita invented the emoji back in 1998, I'm not sure even he could have imagined how much the shorthand cartoon messaging utility would become a global phenomenon. Never has the expression 'a picture speaks a thousand words' been more apt as we now converse online with a vast array of emoticons to express our thoughts, feelings and opinions.

When I started to read this article I thought, here is some fun stuff for the end of the week. But it's actually quite interesting in terms of business, especially for the evidence of increasing use of emojis in "formal" contexts, such as presentations.

I was surprised to learn that my favorite, your basic smiley face (yawn?) comes in only at 5th place and laughter with tears is the runaway winner, worldwide, except in France where the heart comes first (stereotype, much?).

If you want to do a deep dive into this stuff and impress (or bore?) your friends, there is a learned paper linked from the article (and I think the key source for the article), with lots of stats: 
Untangling Emoji Popularity through Semantic Embeddings, by academics Wei Ai, Xuan Lu, Xuanzhe Liu, Ning Wang, Gang Huang, and Qiaozhu Mei.

Andrew Hutchinson

...Instagram is officially launching their new partnership tool, which will provide a new level of clarity on paid posts and influencer relationships.

All of us involved with or interested about social business know that many celebrities and other "influencers" make some big bucks out of their social media endorsements of various products or services. 

According to this article, in the USA the vast majority of those endorsements are in breach of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules. I am pretty confident that lack of compliance would apply in other jurisdictions too. There are rules and risks of penalties for non compliance in various of those other jurisdictions, e.g. in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

It looks to me as if Instagram is sensibly working to get ahead of the game, lest they and their users get caught by a consumer protection crackdown by one or other government agency, or at least by "self-regulating" ad industry bodies.

Now owned by Microsoft, Skype has a new look and, judging by the promo material, new functionality.  Not before time, some of us would say. Or even "too late"?

Maybe Skype still works for you: I know it does for some and I maintain an account because of that. For recorded interviews I've gone right off Skype and now use and am much happier with that. For staying in touch and quick messages I'm increasingly using phone text and Facebook Messenger - and occasionally WhatsApp.

Skype says the new look is being rolled out globally, starting with mobile and first with Android, but I haven't seen it on my device yet. You can get an idea from a video that goes with the article - be prepared for a lot of people laughing maniacally as they go through their "regular" day (actually I might be worried if I had to communicate with people who behave as those in the video do :) ). 

I'm wondering if they have left their run too late? What do you think?

The blurb

Rebuilt from the ground up, the new Skype vastly improves the ways you can connect with your favorite people and, of course, chatting is front and center. We’ve made group chats more lively, expressive, and—most importantly—personalized, so you can chat the way you want. With the new Skype, you’ll have countless ways to share life’s moments together, every day. Wherever life takes you, Skype allows you to seamlessly create, play, share, and do more with the people you care about most.


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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).