Social Business Bites: Facebook Cover Videos | Social Listening - What, Why, How | Snap Languishing for Investors

Published: Thu, 06/22/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Facebook Cover Videos Here
  • Social Listening - What, Why, etc
  • Snap Failing to Generate Interest and Value 
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Randy Esling

Thanks to friend and reader Shirley George Frazier for alerting me to this development, Facebook cover videos. This article explains how the new feature works. Interestingly, I have the option on my Facebook business page (see the screenshot below for where Facebook alerts me to the availability of the feature) but not yet on my personal profile page.

Yet again, Facebook is making a major change to the way businesses and individuals pages look. Users will soon have the option to turn their cover photo into a cover video (actually being rolled out now). In recent years Facebook has really begun to focus on video content, realizing this is the way that most people prefer to consume content, with that number consistently growing.

Christina Newberry

Social listening is the process of monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, competitors, product, and any other ideas or themes that are relevant to your business. The next step is analyzing that information for actionable insights. Those actions can range from engaging a happy customer to shifting your overall brand positioning strategy.

This is another excellent article from the Hootsuite blog. Although the author has a bit of a semantic challenge in attempting to distinguish social listening from social monitoring, it is nevertheless a really good essay on the business of listening for and to a whole lot of information social media that is relevant for your business. It includes a list, with helpful explanations, of six ways social listening can be productive for any business, and links to several tools to help with the process - first being Hootsuite, of course, given it's their blog post! 

There are links to a couple of videos on how to use Hootsuite for social listening (Disclosure: I am technically a "Hootsuite Ambassador" but there is no affiliate link here - practically, I'm just a reasonably happy user of the product).

Sramana Mitra

Earlier this year, social messaging service Snap (NYSE: SNAP) decided to test the public markets. Many were concerned about whether the company will manage to sustain its valuation under the constant glare of the stock market. Almost a quarter later, the verdict is not favorable.

I don't use Snapchat, although I have the app installed on my phone. The 18-34 Millennial group is not my target market, but if it were I would go deeper into understanding what's happening here. From what I do know from wider reading, this article seems to delineate the key strategic issues and developments quite well. For investors, note that the piece ends with a Sell recommendation. 

Snap's biggest challenges are Facebook and Instagram.


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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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