Social Business Bites: Get Quality Leads | Social Media Tips for Nonprofits | Artists - Grow Your Following

Published: Thu, 06/29/17

​Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Gain Quality Leads from Social Media
  • 5 Things for Nonprofits on Social Media
  • How Artists Can Grow their Following 
Plus, latest podcast episode from my Let's Talk Leadership show

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link
Mixed feelings about including this. On the one hand, the syntax is somewhat tortured, so you might have to read a sentence a couple of times. Also it is more B2C than B2B, but then that might suit some readers. On a more positive note, there are some good suggestions! Take what works for you and, as always, you be the judge.

The old way of marketing and advertising no longer works. The growth of social media has taken businesses to a new level of user’s engagement and when it comes to branding, the most reliable are, the recommendations and word of mouth. The social network sites help businesses reach their prospects without investing much in marketing costs.It brings an ease in your journey of becoming a brand because a social media consumer is the best type of consumer.

Craig Newmark

Is there a nonprofit you are quite engaged with, perhaps a client, and you worry that they don't seem to utilize, or even value, social media to promote their cause and mission? This succinct article by influencer of note Craig Newmark will give you a few practical talking points. They range from the meta (Keep up with the latest trends) to the mundane, albeit practical (Don't add punctuation to a hashtag). 

1. Keep up with the latest trends.
2. Use your networks. 
3. Team up with allied orgs and your biggest supporters to host a Twitter Chat. 
4. Don't add punctuation to a hashtag.
5. Make sure your content is mobile-friendly. 

Audra Lambert

By making time for simply being present with your audience as artists on social media, one can gain new advocates for one’s practice, cultivate a loyal following, and find new allies and collaborators. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat are all valuable tools toward achieving greater visibility, and the way in which content is produced across these platforms can yield simple yet powerful results.

I recommend this article for artists, and for people who have artists in the family or as friends or clients. It is good, practical advice, especially about engagement. A lot of the article is framed with the concept of a social media pyramid, which provides a basis for engaging strategically and systematically.

A note for those who might not have 20/20 vision. The font in this article is so light I found it a strain to read (and I had my eyes tested only a couple of weeks ago!), so I copied the text and dropped into a Word document and all was revealed!


Latest podcast episode from the Let's Talk Leadership show

This conversation, and others I've had with this guest, have given me a whole new - and very positive - perspective on the concept and practice of war gaming for business, and have enlightened me about the process known as red teaming.

My guest on this episode, Lieutenant-Colonel (retd) Fred Aubin, CD, MCGI, is Founder and CEO of Strategic Red Team Consulting, and is based in Ottawa, Canada. A 34 year command-level combat veteran of the Canadian Forces, Fred leads a consultancy team with an extensive arsenal of expertise for what he calls, “The Corporate Battlefield”. 

He's also a very effective user of social media. Fred and I met on the then cutting-edge, live video chat streaming platform Blab, an exciting-for-a-time shooting star - and now no more.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).