Social Business Bites: Instagram to blast nasty comments | Augmented & Virtual Reality | Calculating ROI

Published: Thu, 07/06/17

​Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Instagram gets set to blast away mean comments
  • Difference between Augmented and Virtual Reality illustrated
  • Formula to calculate content marketing ROI 
Plus, latest podcast episode from my Let's Talk Leadership show

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Nicholas Thompson

Short story. Instagram (now owned by Facebook) has used Deep Text, a system based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and "word embeddings", to help Instagram contact a particular scourge of the platform, spam.

They've had success with spam (not perfect, but apparently impressive) and are now working on getting rid of mean comments. Some interesting semantics involved there.

If...the system works, Instagram could become one of the friendliest places on the internet. Or maybe it will seem too polished and controlled. Or maybe the system will start deleting friendly banter or political speech.

The question in the subtitle of this article, "What's the Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?" is apparently one that comes up quite a bit. Or VR & AR.

I know this could be easily classified as biztech rather than social business, but blurry lines are the new precision, aren't they? Or something.


The infographic the article presents is in my inexpert but interested view, really helpful in illustrating the difference.

As the authors LumusVision say: 

Outside of tech circles who live and breathe emerging technologies, regular folks could use a fun and interesting primer on how the two platforms are distinct from one another.

If you are not taking time to check out the infographic, here's my very personal, ridiculously simplistic (although not "wrong") illustration of the difference. Then again, do take a moment to check out the infographic: it's definitely more informative! :)


If you’re a content marketing practitioner, manager, or director in anything beyond a very small organization, at some point you’re going to be asked to justify all this content.
The best way to do so is with an actual ROI calculation.

There used to be a myth that social media is free. Maybe that myth persists for some. For social media as a hobby there's certainly a lot we can do that's free. For business, government and nonprofits there are also some free resources but at the very least there is a time cost. Additionally, there are many applications that will add a real money cost. So it's best to recognize that up front and establish a framework for being able to measure the return on investment (ROI). In this article, author Jay Baer provides a very practical illustration of how that can be done.

Latest from the Let's Talk Leadership Podcast show

This conversation, and others I've had with this guest, have given me a whole new - and very positive - perspective on the concept and practice of war gaming for business, and have enlightened me about the process known as red teaming.

My guest on this episode, Lieutenant-Colonel (retd) Fred Aubin, CD, MCGI, is Founder and CEO of Strategic Red Team Consulting, and is based in Ottawa, Canada. A 34 year command-level combat veteran of the Canadian Forces, Fred leads a consultancy team with an extensive arsenal of expertise for what he calls, “The Corporate Battlefield”. 

He's also a very effective user of social media. Fred and I met on the then cutting-edge, live video chat streaming platform Blab, an exciting-for-a-time shooting star - and now no more.

Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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