Social Business Bites: Crello Graphic Design Software | Get Your Links on with Snapchat | Social Media Command Centers

Published: Fri, 07/14/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Free Graphic Design Software & Online Photo Editor
  • Snapchat's New Creative Tools, Including Adding Links to Snaps
  • Social Media Command Centers: The Art & Science of Real Time Marketing
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

If you are looking for a source of design templates. and a place you can even use your own pictures, to develop professional-looking images for social media, you might find Crello worthwhile. Especially if, like me, you are not a) a graphic designer yourself and ease of use is a plus and b) don't have a limitless budget to shell out for fees on stock images or custom designs.

The layout is very reminiscent of Canva

As for Canva, there are free designs and paid ones. From what I've been told and from my quick reading of the licensing terms indicates that you can use a paid (or free) Crello design multiple times, unlike the Canva restriction of having to pay for each use of a Canva paid item. I am open to being corrected if I'm wrong on that. 


Andrew Hutchinson

I think this could be BIG for a lot of businesses of any size! Not that I'm in any way an expert on Snapchat, more that the article spells out some significant implications of Snapchat's new feature to add links in Snaps.  As the author points out, Instagram had taken a step in this direction in November last, but it looks as if this feature in Snapchat is much less restrictive than the related Instagram feature.

...the ability to add links is a significant upgrade for businesses looking to make best use of the platform - now, you can create a preview Snap for a post or offer, share it with your Snap followers, and give them a direct link to the relevant page, driving traffic.

And as the article title indicates, Snapchat has also rolled out some other new tools for creativity.

David Beebe

Going heavy duty, enterprise level social business here. This article is about Marriott's "MLive" social media command centres, which track and engage worldwide with pop culture trends and social media relating to their brand, and in "always on" mode.

The command center is the touch point across all 30 of Marriott’s Brands used to identify pop culture trends and create real-time content directly with guests on social channels. Based on live data and metrics, M Live bridges the digital conversation by leveraging its bespoke location-based social platform to initiate surprise and delight moments with our guests while on property through geo-fencing technology.

And as proof that sometimes it's good to read some of the comments on a post, there is this gem provided by the author, a video illustrating how a command centre works.


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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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