Social Business Bites: Linked Groups for FB Pages | Increase Your Influence | Boomers Go Social

Published: Fri, 07/21/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Facebook Pages Can Now Create Linked Groups
  • 9 Ways to Increase Your Authority & Influence
  • Boomers Go Social
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who promote their business on their Facebook (personal) profile, not realising (not caring?) that this is in breach of Facebook's rules and could actually lead to their losing access to their personal account.

In any case, for promoting our businesses, Facebook pages are better set up than our profiles, and there is increasing integration of Pages with Groups, the latest being the capacity to create linked (not LinkedIn!) groups.

Facebook started allowing Pages to post as Pages in groups earlier this year, then extended that to enabling some Pages to create linked groups. Now, as they continue to evolve the groups offering, all Pages everywhere will have the capacity to create their own linked groups, and use that as a marketing and community-building option.

Brent Csutoras

In any extended discussion about social media the subjects of authority and influence will come up fairly soon, or immediately. Is that just something for the Richard Bransons and Arianna Huffingtons? Not according to this author, who provides a neat set of ways to increase our authority and influence. I question whether these are all "easy" ways, but my sense is they are all doable.

Whether you want to improve your authority amongst potential clients, find yourself speaking at a conference, or even publish your own book, you first need to build your overall authority and influence.

If part or all of your target audience is covered by the demographic we call Baby Boomers (roughly age 51-69), and if you see so many guides and recommendations about social media focusing on younger groups, you could be forgiven for wondering about the effectiveness of social for marketing to Boomers. If so, it's time to stop worrying. Boomers (and Seniors) are taking to social media in ever increasing numbers. 

Examples of stats in this article:
  • 82.3% of Baby Boomers belong to at least one social network
  • Boomers spend 27 hours per week online - that's 2 hours more per week than those between 16 and 34!
You might find that those and the ten more stats about Boomers and social media, especially about favored and not-so-favored platforms, may help you in thinking about this demographic and your marketing and sales.


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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
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