Social Business Bites: Turn Twitter Followers into Repeat Customers | Short Form Video |Antidote for Digital Narcissism

Published: Thu, 04/06/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week

  • Turn Twitter Followers into Repeat Customers
  • Short Form Video is the Future
  • Antidote for Digital Narcissism
Plus a plug for my still fairly new Facebook group, the Coffee Break Network


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

AJ Ghergich

At the risk of repeating myself, I have to say I'm not generally a great fan of infographics: maybe that's because I'm more of a text person than a visual graphic one. This infographic is an exception. It's easy on the eyes, quite readable (not all are!), and presents clearly some valuable statistics and practical advice. If you want to start using Twitter more effectively, this infographic should help.

Twitter is a powerful tool which businesses can use to build meaningful connections with new and existing customers, brand advocates, influencers, as well as a larger, engaged audience. It’s also an increasingly important platform for providing quick, efficient customer service - of the small and medium-sized businesses that utilize Twitter, 85% agree that it’s a key medium for customer support.

Jess Ostroff

I love the quote from the polymath Blaise Pascal, "I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time." For me, that applies also to making videos or doing live streaming. I know the statistics about keeping videos very short if I want people to watch through to the end, but I find it a challenge to be succinct enough for that. A goal worth working towards. Note that the article is a tad promo-ish/self-regarding, but not too long: worth a quick read.
53 percent of videos that are 90 seconds or less are watched to completion. That means that over 50 percent of people who are watching videos that are 90 seconds or less are actually completing them, which is pretty good given our attention spans are now, what, seven seconds or less? 

John P. Weiss

This whole post has a satirical cast to it, presents a generally jaundiced view of social media and challenges some received wisdom in the social media marketing space - for instance, the argument that goes "I hate those popups" "But they work" "Oh, OK". His "antidote for digital narcissism" makes sense.

The article made me at times irritated, amused, and thoughtful. Your turn.

Social media has become a place for distortions, where our real selves remain backstage. We photograph, photoshop, curate and upload the best we got. Then we hold our breath and pray for some attention.

There’s a name for this mindless appetite for attention and validation. It’s called “digital narcissism.”


Looking for a business-focused, networked group, spam-free, engaged, sharing ideas to make business more ethical, profitable, and an integrated part of a balanced life? If you haven't yet joined my Coffee Break Network, come and check it out at


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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