Social Business Bites: 16 Content Marketing Ideas | Instagram Marketing Predictions | Facebook Stories Feature

Published: Thu, 04/20/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Content Marketing Ideas - Infographic
  • Instagram Predictions
  • Facebook Now Has a Stories Feature
Plus a link to the growing Facebook group, the Coffee Break Network


Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Louise Myers

Idle question: hasn't "killer"in headlines been worked to death, so to speak, yet?

Anyhow, headline quibbles aside, this is a very helpful article with a good, clear, easy to read and reference infographic.

It makes a very important distinction, which I don't recall having seen made previously, or at least not so clearly, between the type and presentation of content for marketing services vs what is appropriate for marketing products.

According to this infographic, your content will vary if you’re selling products vs. services. 

If you’re marketing your business with content, you need to create the right content! The kind that will draw prospects, and help them know, like, and trust your business.

Lisa D. Jenkins

In social media terms, this item is not so fresh (Feb), but the content is too good to omit for the sake of date purity.

There is an underlying theme of Instagram becoming progressively more useful for business. As with any bunch of predictions by experts, we need to keep a grain or two of salt handy, but the author has gathered an interesting set of prognostications here.

Instagram has moved from sharing your single most important snap of the day to a full-blown visual storytelling platform. It’s exciting and challenging!

Without the polish and editing of a photo, Live videos and Instagram Stories are more authentic and spontaneous as things are recorded on the go. This creates a more intimate conversation and is very engaging.

Bryan O'Malley

It seems social media platforms have appropriated the word "stories" to mean "short clips of photos and videos shared on popular social networks that last only for 24 hours".

It’s a concept that Snapchat pioneered back in 2013 and quickly became one of the defining features of the service. The ephemeral nature of Stories removes the burden of perfection that comes with permanence.

So Facebook has now gone full bore into the stories game. The author of this article mentions that this move has drawn a negative reaction in the social media sphere, but argues that it is a pragmatic step in Facebook's efforts to stay relevant for younger generations.

All those insatiably hungry, demanding advertisers to feed!

Looking for a business-focused, networked group, spam-free, engaged, sharing ideas to make business more ethical, profitable, and an integrated part of a balanced life? If you haven't yet joined my Coffee Break Network, come and check it out at


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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