Social Business Bites: Facebook as " Human OS" | Instagram Stories Ads | Handy Twitter tools

Published: Thu, 04/27/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • Facebook becoming a Human OS
  • Examples of Instagram Stories Ads
  • Handy tools for getting more value from Twitter
Plus a link to the latest episode on my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Brian Solis

Social media expert, author, influencer, and all round good guy Brian Solis reports on the seriously agenda-setting Facebook event, f8.

What’s clear is that the Facebook of yore, a social network once oft compared to Myspace, is long gone. This isn’t your previous selfie’s Facebook. This is something more from the future...a social OS that connects people, information and things in virtual and real worlds across devices and platforms.

...creating a human egosystem of undocumented scale and unfathomable influence. 

He lists and comments on key technologies focused on at the event:

Camera Effects platform
"We're making the camera the first augmented reality platform." Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Spaces
Virtual reality - 2nd life for social networking


His key, "meta" point: Facebook Migrates Away from Social Networking to Becoming a Human OS

Andrew Hutchinson

More from f8, this time about Instagram Stories.

To underline the potential value of Stories as an ad option, last week, at Facebook’s F8 conference, Instagram showcased some of the brands that are seeing success with Stories ads, providing some interesting lessons on what’s most effective and how the option can work to expand your reach.

Fido - wireless carrier in Canada
Moen - number one faucet brand in America
Red Bull - 'nuff said

All three have "stopping power"  

Not a blog post or article, but an online service, with a free version. ManageFlitter provides you with a set of easy to use tools to empower you to work smarter and faster with Twitter. (No, I am not an affiliate. :))

  • Sort your followers/following lists by a range of criteria
  • Find new people to follow with our comprehensive search facility
  • Find out when most of your followers are online and schedule tweets appropriately with our PowerPost feature
  • Answer "Who unfollowed me on Twitter"?
  • Track who unfollowed you
  • Easily manage multiple Twitter accounts
  • Track keyword mentions on Twitter with our Analytics feature (coming soon)

 Latest Podcast: Sunny Stout-Rostron, executive leadership coach

Dr Sunny Stout-Rostron, international executive coach, is based in South Africa. We had a wide-ranging conversation about leadership, coaching, indvidualism and team culture, and Millennials.

Working in a country with amazing demands on business leaders in terms of history and diversity, Sunny reflects on what is needed now for effective leadership, not just in South Africa, but globally. 


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).