Social Business Bites: 7 Social Media Power Techniques | Why B2B Companies Fail at Social Media | Effective follo

Published: Thu, 05/04/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 crunchy bites this week
  • 7 Social Media Power Techniques
  • Why B2B Companies Fail at Social Media
  • Writing more effective follow-up emails
Plus a link to the latest episode on my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Payman Tael

The modern customer journey starts and ends with your social profiles. Think of it from their point of view. When it comes time for researching which business to go for, the average person starts off with a google search.

Inevitably, they’ll land on your Facebook or LinkedIn page to learn more about you. In today’s world, Social is your storefront. 

The seven techniques featured and explained briefly in this infographic, from "Up to date Social Sites" to "Don't forget LinkedIn & beBee", taken together set a high bar but all make sense.  That is especially so because the infographic is based on an almost identically named post from 2015 by Matt Sweetwood, who ten years ago used these techniques to defy apparently unbeatable market forces, rebuild his 60 year old family business, and prosper. That article is acknowledged but the link there is not active. The original article is well worth reading - here is the link.

Radha Giri

...many B2B companies fail in their social media efforts or are not able to derive the desired results. What could be the reasons? Are they not serious about their efforts? Are they putting in efforts at the wrong place? Are they clueless about what to measure and what not to care about? Or there are some other reasons?

This article is not written in what you would call lucid prose. In fact, it's a bit muddy, which is a shame, because there are some helpful observations and some very good advice: in other words, it's worth the read.

Anyone who follows the seven techniques for social selling success which are outlined in the previous "power techniques" item, is not likely to fall into the traps listed in this item, but it does have some genuine "mind your step" value.

Bryan Kreuzberger

Have you had this experience (I know I have, too often)? You have a sales call and as you hang up you have every reason to believe that sale is in the bag (or the bank). Then you don't hear back and your calls aren't returned. Or you do get through and have one of those awkward conversations neither party enjoys... The article sets out just how to avoid that. Good value!

So forget the link-baiting and frankly confusing headline. This otherwise excellent article is about a smart way to avoid wasting sales calls or "discovery" calls and sets up a more effective way to write your follow up emails.

When concluding a sales call, we should use the last five to 10 minutes to book our next call. In doing so, we eliminate the need to follow up post-meeting or post-demo.

 Latest Podcast: Sunny Stout-Rostron, executive leadership coach

Dr Sunny Stout-Rostron, international executive coach, is based in South Africa. We had a wide-ranging conversation about leadership, coaching, indvidualism and team culture, and Millennials.

Working in a country with amazing demands on business leaders in terms of history and diversity, Sunny reflects on what is needed now for effective leadership, not just in South Africa, but globally. 


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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