Social Business Bites: Social Shake-Up 2017 | WhatsApp Productivity Tips | Social Media Making You Less Social?

Published: Thu, 05/25/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


Before I get onto sharing this week's crunchy bites of social media news/tips/insights, I need to share with you a (mild) shock I had this week. It was when someone I thought knew what I did professionally asked me to recommend a business coach for her. I had to face the apparent truth that I've been doing an inferior job of promoting my business! 

So in case you didn't know, as well as being a tad obsessed with social media (ah, you noticed!), I'm a business coach - actually that's higher in priority than social media strategy as my favourite business activity. So to make sure I don't continue to let myself down on the marketing front, I'd love for you to take a moment to read the bit towards the end of this newsletter about my Laser Coaching service - I'm loving the way I'm being able to help people with this and the link will show you some testimonials. Who knows, you may think of someone I could help?

And now, promo over, here are your 3 crunchy bites for this week
  • Social Shake-Up 2017 - 10 great takeaways
  • WhatsApp Productivity Tips
  • How Social is Social Media Making You?
Plus, as I said, some info about my Laser Coaching service.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Dan Gingiss

As one of the early bloggers for the network that became a movement, Social Media Today, I was very pleased to see that the Social Shake-Up event created by the late, great co-founder of Social Media Today, Robin Fray Carey, has been kept alive. In this article author and podcaster Dan Gingriss shares and explains his ten takeaways from Social Shake-Up 2017.

Unusually for a list like this, every one of the ten is worth noting, considering etc. I'll share #10, a gem, as an example.

10. Engagement.

If there is one key to success in social media, it's engagement.

Whether you're building a personal brand ... or representing a major corporate entity, social media is the first marketing channel where people can actually talk back.

​​​​​​​Be prepared, be present, and respond to everyone.

Rupak Shah

My WhatsApp journey has been different from the majority. Initially like everyone I downloaded WhatsApp for just chatting with friends. One thing I realized that no matter how busy I was, I never skipped messages that contained stories.

I am a novice on WhatsApp, although I've had it installed on my phone for a while now, but I thought these productivity tips could be of interest to the power users out there.

I'm a bit intrigued by the comments of the author about stories and the good response he has had in using them. Ah, the lifelong learning curve!

Of the five tips the one that I liked best is to use the WhatsApp web application (Mac or PC).  Apparently I'm not the only person who finds it easier to type on a desktop keyboard than on my phone!

To get that app you go to this website and use your phone to scan the Q code displayed there.

Everyone is on social media. Everything that everyone does is on social media. Where we go, who we meet and what we do is all par for the course on social media. An entire industry has been built on oversharing and socializing. But exactly how social is social media making us?

I left a comment on this post, saying in part that I did not know whether it expressed a genuinely jaundiced view of social media by the author or was a bit of a legpull, or perhaps a combination of both.

Be that as it may, the article is quite entertaining (you must read the story about the meltdown by the friend planning his wedding) and at the same time thought-provoking.


Could my laser coaching service help your business, or that of someone you know?

Are you finding it a challenge to get really clear on a business or career opportunity?

That's not unusual.

Laser coaching is designed to help you get the resolution you need.

Laser coaching works on the principle that there is a truth in every situation, a truth that may not always be obvious. Laser coaching brings that truth to the surface and supports the process of facing it square on, and then deciding on appropriate action.

After a laser coaching session with me, business coach ​​​​​​​Marla Tabaka said this: 

In a single, thirty-minute conversation, Des redirected some concerns I had about my business model, introduced me to several valuable resources, and brought clarity to an issue that I’ve been struggling with for months. Yes, all of this in thirty-minutes!

If you are ready to get the clarity you need to be able to take decisive action, check out my laser coaching service at this link.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).