Social Business Bites: A fresh look at LinkedIn | Podcasts & advertising | Snapchat influencers to Instagram

Published: Fri, 09/08/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:

  • What You Fail to See on LinkedIn
  • How podcasts with small audiences are attracting advertisers
  • Snapchat influencers moving to Instagram

Plus a picture and blog post link about the award I received this week.

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Bill McCartney

This article will help you find the talented people that others may miss. It clearly helps you to discover what you fail to see on LinkedIn.

Contrary to popular belief LinkedIn is not primarily a site where people post their CVs, are unhappy at work, desperate to move to another company or are unemployed. 

If you have been wondering whether it is worth your while to go on putting time and effort into LinkedIn, and if your interest is more in networking than in getting a job, this article, by a very sensible, down to earth Irishman, Bill McCartney, may help you get a fuller picture of possibilities. I have to say I found it challenging, in a good way.

Simon Owens

If you are at all interested in podcasting as part of your business or even as the focus, and especially about how to attract advertisers, I believe you will find this article of great interest.

On a broader front, it shows how someone doing some lateral thinking can cut through existing perceptions in a particular market and come up with a fresh, productive approach.

I asked (Jessica) Kupferman why she’s willing to take on these smaller podcasts while the larger networks won’t even consider them. “I’m under the impression that most of those people at larger podcasting networks come from radio,” she said. “And so when you come from radio, the radio personalities you deal with, they aren’t influencers, they don’t manage their social media, they don’t have a lot of passion about the products they’re talking about.”

Snapchat’s parent company, newly public Snap Inc., says the app is mostly meant to be used for communication among close friends. The implication: It’s not designed for the so-called influencers who use carefully edited Instagram photos to get internet-famous enough to hawk Axe (men's grooming products).

What I found the most interesting aspect of this article was the fact that the Snap executives were refusing to be spooked into changing their business model, even with the prospect of thus retaining a number of influences as participants. One to watch.
The Award

I promised last week some news about an award. Here it is.
On  Monday last I was presented with the International Association of Coaching (IAC) President's Award. This is a terrific honour and I am very grateful for it. In the post linked here I talk about my IAC journey and why I encourage potentially interested people to check out the IAC coach certification process, which is designed to give recognition and weight to life and business experience, along with demonstration of capability in terms of the IAC Coaching Masteries.

Acknowledging the International Association of Coaching (IAC)

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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)

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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).