Social Business Bites: Using LinkedIn Native Video | Best Words for Social CTA | More Twitter Followers

Published: Thu, 09/14/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:

  • How to Use LinkedIn Video
  • Words to Use on Social Media to Get More customers
  • 7 "Fantastic" Ways to Get  More Twitter Followers

Plus the latest episode in my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show, a conversation with my coaching client Kris Gale, who is also one of my very best friends. The part of our conversation which seems to have attracted most attention was when we talked about "dealing with difficult people", including my wondering aloud whether there was an app for that - it seems there just might be!

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Viveka von Rosen

Using the mobile app to record and share original, autoplay video directly on LinkedIn can boost views and engagement for your content.

In this article, you’ll discover how to upload and share native video on LinkedIn via the mobile app.

I bit the bullet a couple of days ago and published my first native video update on LinkedIn. I wish I'd found this article before then, as I spent too much time futzing around and finding out just how to do it - even down to how to find the right buttons to push.

But once I did it, it was easy and I've had some nice feedback.

It's "native" video because you are making it within LinkedIn. It's not live streaming, as in, say, Facebook.

By the way, with all due respect to the author of this post, Viveka von Rosen, I don't endorse the suggestions about doing detailed editing with the videos. If you are pitching to businesses that will be positively affected by that, do so by all means. Viveka says that "high-quality, professional videos will get more views" and that may well be so. But my preference is to keep it as natural as I can, and I would worry that some people might be put off doing anything. Of course, as this is not about live streaming, you can take all the time you want refining the post.

John White

How you phrase your calls to action on social media can be the difference between just racking up impressions online and actually generating sales.

People's attention spans are shorter than ever these days, and if your company doesn't have a compelling call to action in your posts, people will simply move on.

When it comes to not getting overwhelmed by conversions from my blog posts and other social media posts, I don't believe I'm Robinson Crusoe.

The article is not earth-shatteringly revelational, but it does contain some helpful suggestions, especially about phrases that may engage people more into taking action. And a good reminder about including calls to action (CTAs).

Garin Kilpatrick

The mission of this post is to provide you with the best tips possible to help you get more Twitter followers.

These Twitter tips can help you turbo-boost your audience and take your brand to the next level.

75? "Fantastic"? 

This, I thought, is not going to be helpful.

I was wrong. 

I'm not sure, or rather, don't believe, that these are literally, or even figuratively "fantastic" ways to get Twitter followers, but it is overall an excellent list of actions we can take to improve the quantity and quality of our Twitter followership. I would not recommend #21 about buying Twitter followers - in fact I would recommend against it, unless you can get someone knowledgeable, trusted and with no conflict of interest who can persuade you otherwise. And I got a sense towards the end that the author had started with a number (75) and was going in for some padding. But as I say, overall a helpful list.

Latest Podcast from the Let's Talk Leadership Show

I this episode I spoke with Kris Gale, Chairman of Michael Johnson Associates, a company which specialises in helping Australian innovators make the best use of Federal Government industry assistance programs, especially the R&D Tax Incentive. He is also a basketball player and coach, and currently co-hosts two radio programs, each of which takes a weekly, light-hearted look at doings in the world of Rugby League. 

One part of this episode which has attracted particular attention was the discussion we had on the topic of dealing with "difficult" people

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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)

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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).