Social Business Bites: Social Media 2018 Forecast | Dealing with Difficult People | Hashtags

Published: Thu, 09/28/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:

  • 5 Social Media Experts on What's Coming in 2018
  • Dealing Effectively with Difficult People on Social Media
  • Hashtags: self-promotion, starting conversations, building communities

Plus the latest episode in my Let's Talk Leadership podcast show, a conversation with my coaching client Kris Gale, who is also one of my very best friends. The part of our conversation which seems to have attracted most attention was when we talked about "dealing with difficult people", including my wondering aloud whether there was an app for that - it seems there just might be!

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Stacey Sayer

 - we're coming into prediction season, where tastemakers and experts trot out their forecasts for what’s ahead for social media and digital marketing more broadly.

So in the vein of Hobby Lobby and Michael’s putting their holiday décor on display in the summer, I'm jumping into prediction season early.

There are some interesting insights and prognostications in this collection. One good thing in my view is that the experts are not your usual suspects. That could help explain why the contributions have an attractive freshness about them. 

Michael Cohn

If you share content for your business online, you have undoubtedly dealt with other people who were far less than nice to you (and to your business). Of course, it isn’t always so easy to keep your cool when you are faced with rude, nasty behavior from other people.

This article is a thoughtful look at the different categories of "difficult people" and goes beyond the mantra of "don't feed the trolls" (not that it suggest feeding them!). It's not exhaustive on the types of "difficult people" and it does not go into much detail about specific actions to take - such as unfriending, unfollowing, or hiding annoying posts. The focus is more on understanding where people might be "coming from" - so that can cover such things as political convictions, religious "nuttïness", or just plain old nastiness.

Brenden Moran

I am a recent convert to hashtags; I used to be an extreme naysayer by publicly condemning their existence. I thought they were a fad millenial trend that needed to die.’s the deal. In an interconnected world, such as ours, if you want an international audience, hashtags might be something you want to look at.

I use hashtags, but - I reflected on reading this article - not in a purposeful or systematic way. The author, apparently still an undergraduate university student, makes a good case for taking a more serious approach to hashtags, including on LinkedIn, explaining how that has helped him.

Latest Podcast from the Let's Talk Leadership Show

I this episode I spoke with Kris Gale, Chairman of Michael Johnson Associates, a company which specialises in helping Australian innovators make the best use of Federal Government industry assistance programs, especially the R&D Tax Incentive. He is also a basketball player and coach, and currently co-hosts two radio programs, each of which takes a weekly, light-hearted look at doings in the world of Rugby League. 

One part of this episode which has attracted particular attention was the discussion we had on the topic of dealing with "difficult" people

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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)

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