State of Digital Transformation | LinkedIn adds Geo-filters for Event | Social Trends for 2018

Published: Thu, 10/05/17

Social Business Bites #165 - Curated by Des Walsh


This week I'm following up on a suggestion to post my weekly Social Business Bites also on my website, and I'll be doing that on my blog.

If you prefer to consume your weekly bites on the website, there will be a link each week for that.

Also, you might have noticed that this week's issue has a number - #165: I had a bit of a dilemma with the number in terms of whether or not to add in the handful of issues under the previous title, Des Walsh Updates: in the end, I did.

Previous issues have not been numbered but you can browse them at this link.

In this week's issue I'm leading with an article from the highly respected Altimeter group, about the state of digital transformation. That's not tightly focused on "social business" but it is highly contextual and the report to which it refers and which you can download free of charge is by leading social business expert, Altimeter partner Brian Solis. The article includes highlights from the group's research findings, some of which might surprise you. 

Also, as regular readers know, I am not a big fan of infographics, but in item 3 below, about social business trends for 2018, there is a clear and helpful infographic: prompted me for one to ask myself some serious questions.

This Week's Top 3 Articles

1. The State of Digital Transformation        Altimeter - Brian Solis

In the new report, “The 2017 State of Digital Transformation,” we surveyed more than 500 executives and digital strategists to understand the current challenges and opportunities they are facing as they undergo a digital transformation.

This is the third annual report on the topic from Altimeter principal analyst Brian Solis.

Here’s a sentence I hadn’t anticipated writing: LinkedIn’s adding new, Snapchat-like video filters to its app.

Yes, LinkedIn is also copying Snapchat - though their use-case is a little different, and does make a lot of sense.

As part of their new native video tools, LinkedIn’s giving conference attendees the opportunity to add dedicated event frames to the videos they create while attending such functions.

3.  10 Social Media Trends to Prepare for in 2018     red website design

What does 2018 have in store for your social media marketing strategy?

Want to know the trends predicted to have a huge effect on your 2018 social budget?

We share 10 social media trends for 2018 in the infographic.

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In a single, thirty-minute conversation, Des redirected some concerns I had about my business model, introduced me to several valuable resources, and brought clarity to an issue that I’ve been struggling with for months. Yes, all of this in thirty-minutes!

If you are ready to get the clarity you need to be able to take decisive action, check out my laser coaching service at this link


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)

PSIf you are not on the list yet to receive Social Business Bites in your email inbox, and would like to try it, you can register for that at this link. And remember there is an easy unsubscribe link in every update).

My contact details

Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
Skype: userid is deswalsh (if you want to connect with me there, just type in "Social Business Bites" - or email me and we can set it up).