Social Business Bites: Top Web Design Trends | Twitter Subscription Service Beta | Facebook Sharing Debugger

Published: Thu, 08/03/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Top Web Design Trends - Infographic
  • Twitter Testing $99 Subscription Service
  • Facebook Sharing Debugger
Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Irfan Ahmad
Whether you have some other person or company design your website or do it yourself, it surely pays to be up with current and emerging website design trends.

This cool infographic looks at and illustrates some of those, including open design, where objects appear to be flying off the page, a "trippy and intriguing concept" as the article author says, together with assymetry and other trends.  

In an industry that thrives on innovation and creativity, it's no surprise that the web design trends that are sure to make an impact in 2017 both push boundaries and embrace clean simplicity....

This infographic explores seven trends that are sure to make a big impact in the web design world this year. 

Robbie Kellman Baxter

With this latest development, it appears that Twitter is still trying to figure out what a successful business model might look like.

I'm not excited about this, especially as I'm sceptical about how much you can increase engagement by way of promoted tweets: seems to be verging on being the antithesis of engagement, to me.  

But if it works for you or your company, at $99 a month, go for it!

Twitter has just launched a beta subscription service to a select group of members designed to increase engagement and revenue, both of which the company needs.
Subscribers will enjoy unlimited promoted tweets for a fixed monthly fee of $99. The beta, which is currently available by invitation only, automatically promotes all member tweets. 

Chris Abraham

Saving the geekiest bite till last. 

The basic argument here, as far as I can see, is that when we share on Facebook content that we may have posted somewhere some time ago and we then don't like the way it looks, how it's described, and so on, we are not stuck with that forever, but can tidy/freshen it all up with the Facebook Sharing Debugger.

Control how your posts, articles, and social shares render the way you want them to; and, then, after the edits, you have the power to “resubmit” your new title, description, and featured image so that anyone who shares your content from then on will be able to see a rendering the way you want it.

A prerequisite is to become a Facebook Developer, which the author says is easily done. I might do that, just for fun. :)

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If you are ready to get the clarity you need to be able to take decisive action, check out my laser coaching service at this link


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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Phone: International +61 413089355   Australia 0413 089 355
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