Social Business Bites: "Real" comeback for social media? | Twitter's Days numbered? | FB updates news feed layout

Published: Thu, 08/17/17

Social Business Bites - Curated by Des Walsh


3 Juicy bites this week:
  • Is "real" making a social media comeback?
  • Twitter's days numbered?
  • Facebook updates news feed layout
Plus: latest podcast from the Let's Talk Leadership show

Browse previous issues of Social Business Bites at this link

Ryan Holmes

The gold standard in social media these days is something that’s “Instagram-worthy.” Instead of a raw look at real life, we get an impossibly beautiful and polished version of life—cropped, filtered … largely fictitious. Even when it’s our own face.

The author suggests there is a push underway for more "realness" in social media communication. He doesn't offer evidence, so much as indicators, such as the fact that part of the attraction of Facebook Live is that the author can't edit what gets broadcast. Similarly, Instagram Stories are unedited, not filtered or Photoshopped.

He argues that businesses need to get serious about this, and opines: "Businesses that have grown used to treating social media as just another mass marketing channel may have a rough road ahead."

Might Twitter's Days Be Numbered?

Sramana Mitra

Twitter’s (NYSE: TWTR) future continues to look bleak. The financial performance in the recently announced quarterly results may have outpaced market expectations, but other metrics failed to impress. Twitter hasn’t figured out how the social and mobile worlds can be leveraged to deliver a growing business venture.

My reaction to this article draws on the famous quote from Mark Twain that the report of his death was an exaggeration. But there is no doubt that Twitter continues to have trouble.

Its user base numbers are flat, revenue including from advertising has fallen, It's still experimenting with monetization options and is very focused on video. Overall, the writer says, Twitter is "now primed to be bought"

"Bought" indicates continuing value, so "days numbered" looks more like linkbait than a fair assessment, however qualified as a question.

Andrew Hutchinson

Facebook has announced an update to their News Feed layout which will help cater to common user concerns and make the Facebook process easier and more clear-cut. And while the changes may seem small – you may not even notice all of them as you scroll through – each plays a specific role, and is based on various iterative studies and data.

This article may be of more interest to those focused on finer details of design and user experience - although some might argue that should be all of us :). In reading it and studying the illustrative screenshots I was reminded of how much attention is paid by Facebook to user experience. 


Latest Podcast from the Let's Talk Leadership Show
In this episode of Let’s Talk Leadership, I’m in conversation with Deb Brown, from Webster, Iowa. Deb shares stories and advice on social media, working and living in a small town and creating the kind of community you want to live in. You might recognize her online as @debworks.

She grew up in a town of 141 people, Geneva, Iowa. She loves to tell stories and share real world examples of how people are changing their small town into the kind of place the community wants to live, work and play in.

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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)


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