Facebook Organic Search challenge | AI Powered Social Media | Sales Navigator Update : Social Business Bites #168

Published: Thu, 11/02/17

Social Business Bites #168 - Curated by Des Walsh


At this rate, I might need to rename this newsletter "Facebook Bites"! No, not really. But after a full issue on Facebook stories last week, I'm leading with another. Fact is, if I'd declined to draw to your attention the article, by Mari-Smith-Who-Knows-Everything-About-Facebook, I would have been seriously remiss. It's that good. And more - packed full of information and strategic guidance. Incidentally, Mari is also one of the nicest people you could meet!

Then there is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its growing impact on social media, especially in the business/marketing context. A short, sharp item from Jay Baer and in terms of what I've been learning about AI recently, Jay is as usual on the money. The post includes interesting predictions about the business futures of social media specialists doing quantitative analysis, vis-a-vis the strategists.

​​​​​​​Finally, an update on LinkedIn's Sales Navigator and interesting things LinkedIn is doing with its vast amounts of data to facilitate the sales process. 


Top 3 Stories This Week

Mari Smith

Organic reach on Facebook is so 2012. This is unfortunate, but true. Facebook has long been a ‘pay-to-play’ platform for those businesses serious about optimizing all that the platform offers. Organic reach has been steadily declining from well over 100% on some pages (back pre-2012), to an average of 1-6% starting in 2014.

Jay Baer

Every digital marketer that’s paying attention is either wary, concerned, or deathly afraid of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Andrew Hutchinson

LinkedIn has announced some new feature updates for their Sales Navigator mobile app, while they’re also rolling out an enhanced integration for Microsoft Outlook, both of which will help streamline the connection process.

Laser Coaching

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Laser coaching works on the principle that there is a truth in every situation, a truth that may not always be obvious. Laser coaching brings that truth to the surface and supports the process of facing it square on, and then deciding on appropriate action.

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Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)

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