Social Business Bites #170: Blockchain transforming social | Social media policies | Twitter's new 280 limit impact

Published: Thu, 11/23/17

Social Business Bites #170 - Curated by Des Walsh


You might not wake up every morning thinking "Gee, I must find out more about blockchain". Then again, maybe you do! Either way, because you are into social business, I reckon you will find the article featured here tantalizing, both in what it says and in the deeper implications.

Then there is a timely alert to keep company social media policies current: maybe you wrote one for one or more companies once and if so you might score a gig or three work updating that earlier work? And from some testing it seems that Twitter's doubling the old 140 character limit could be a win-win for Twitter and users.

And the Latest from the Podcast feature is back - which means I've got out of my own way enough to be podcasting again. Change Management expert and author Jen Frahm is my guest (again) and feedback so far has been super positive.  

Top 3 Stories This Week

Naveen Joshi

Blockchain is a technology that gives prime importance to security and privacy of information (a feature that was lacking in traditional social media). This is probably one of the main reasons why several social media applications are already leveraging it.

Thea Joselow

Along with today’s more evolved and ubiquitous use of social media, we have to create and commit to more evolved policies and treat employees like the adults we trust them to be. “Don’t” doesn’t cut it. A good policy has to be clear, consistently enforced, and loathe to interfere in the personal lives and accounts of employees.

​​​​​​​Anumeha Chaturvedi

In September, Twitter had launched a test that expanded the 140 character limit to enable every person around the world to express themselves easily in a tweet. 

During the first few days of the test, many people Tweeted the full 280 limit because it was new and novel, but soon after, the behavior normalized, it stated. Twitter saw when people needed to use more than 140 characters, they Tweeted more easily and more often. 
Latest from the Let's Talk Leadership podcast show

Dr Jennifer Frahm is a seriously accomplished change manager, communications professional, speaker, author, coach, and facilitator. If you have any interest in change management, this is a must-listen (even if I do so so myself!)

Jen's professional experience includes change management, marketing and communication roles within a diverse array of industries and sectors. Recently she published her new book Conversations of Change: A guide to implementing workplace change.


Looking for previous issues of Social Business Bites? Here's the link.

Till next time, be well, be social :)

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