[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] It Is Time To Shine

Published: Mon, 01/07/13

Your Weekly Heart Whisper
Weekly heart Wisper #15
Hello ,
Will you shine and step into your love this year. Shine:Be Bold is my theme for 2013. It is time to play a bigger game. I would love to hear what your theme for the year is. Just hit reply, I love hearing from you.

My New Book: My January Project
This is the mock-up cover for my new book My Year of living Positively: Lucky To Be Alive. I have set myself the goal of having the draft done in January. 
What would you like to know about my journey to wellness?  
Please reply to this email with you question and your name. 

If you are new to this community you can read my story at http://suziecheel.com/are-you-celebrating-your-life-today/

Are You Satisfied You Choose The Right Word For You?

If so great! Or you maybe like me and have had second thoughts already. My word for 2013 was to be FOCUS ..............

Remember listen to your heart whispers!
With gratitude, in abundance and love always,