[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Gratitude

Published: Mon, 01/28/13

Your Weekly Heart Whisper
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Hello ,
 This week's Heart Whisper is a response to feeling very grateful. We are currently experiencing extreme winds and rain as tornado Oswald moves south. We are safe and have power and have just been down to check the Tweed River minutes from our front door and the river is till several feet off flooding. So I am feeling very blessed ad we are dry have power and a fridge full of food. Thank you to those who have sent me messages on facebook. I appreciate your care and concern, it means so much to me.

 News and Note from Suzie
On The Blog: Yummy Coconut Yoghurt
I shared my alkaline breakfast on facebook and several friends asked how I made the organic coconut yoghurt so I decided to make a video to show people. I have already heard from people who have made it. Watch the video Here
A Fun Planning Week Ahead To Make 2013 ROCK!

 Too late I hear you say! No I read recently that February was the true start to this 2013 and there is Chinese New Year too.

I made a simple plan with my heart POST ITS for 2013 which is great. I recently on a Tap into you Divine Business I discovered that I still wasn't following my passion which is to really use my creativity and my art. i have allowed myself to get stuck in too many woulds, coulds and shoulds. 

                   I wasn't listening to my heart whispers!............................
After that revelation I stumbled upon a couple a creative planning tools. I spent the weekend before last exploring A Creative, Visual Map for Success: Jennifer Lee, Kate Prentiss, Chris Guillebeau on a wonderful free webinar and i was almost tempted to follow that path when I got an email from Leonie Dawson with a video talking about her Lifestyle and Business Planners.  There were great testimonials and they looked like fun. So I bought them and have printed them put and I will be spending less time online as I play, write, draw in technicolour and dream out my creative year ahead. Watch out for some changes afoot.Get your fun planner here .

Have a love filled week
Remember listen to your heart whispers!
With gratitude, in abundance and love always,