[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Love is a gift

Published: Mon, 02/04/13

Your Weekly Heart Whisper
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Hello ,
 Do you give yourself the gift of love? Do you look in the mirror and say I love you?
As February is the month of love I am going to be sharing love poem and quotes on my Facebook Page over 21 days starting on 7th and I would love for you to join in. Share you favourite picture that depicts love for you your favorite saying, song or just what love is to you. 
 News  from Suzie
On The Blog: Tapping (EFT) as a Healing Tool
Emotional Freedom Technique has been part of my healing journey I have used tapping as part of my healing process over the past eighteen months. I have used it with Ho 'oponopono  for Self-Love and Healing. I used it for Procrastination, I use it when I need to  get clarity, I have used it to lower my blood pressureI have used it to tap away a sniffle and to clear clutter. 

Louise Hay learns for the first time how to tap and releases painful memories. Come and join in over the next month and discover the joy of EFT and the freedom it brings.   Discover how you can be wart of the F.R.E.E. telesummit- I will be joining in as I have discovered some of the topics wil help me continual my clearing process and my clutter
Fun Planning continues with some shifts

 As I played through Leonie's  Lifestyle and Business Planners. that I shared in last week's Heart Whisper.  My word for the year changed from abundance to faith. I discovered that abundance wasn't cutting it for me I didn't have it sitting on my computer or in my wallet. So I meditated and listened to my heart to whisper and faith was what emerged. As you can see from the image- which I had fun making I have added the other words that will come from having faith in myself, my art, the new Heart Whisper Card Deck. Lots of colour and excitement. 

I would love to hear what your word is for the year, just hit reply to share. 

Have a love filled week
Remember listen to your heart whisper!
With gratitude, in abundance and love always,