[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Be True To You

Published: Mon, 04/01/13

Your Weekly Heart Whisper   
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Heart Whisper issue #27 
Today's words came after doing a meditation and these words Be True To You I wrote in my journal. Being true to oneself requires taking time to just be and listen to your heart whispers. In April I will be doing a special BEach Inspiration series. Check out the blog tomorrow for details/ I look forward to hearing your  be true to you story.
Help Suzie  Share Her Message
 I have entered the Best Seller Success Contest so that my story
Lucky To Be Alive: My Year of Living Positively will help thousands of people who have life threatening illnesses. 

I am a messenger for change and this is the story of how i changed my life and recovered from a near-death experience.

In this book, written from the heart, Suzie tells the story of how she made her way back to health in her year of living positively. She shares the frustrations, the impatience, the challenge of not being able to be completely self-sufficient and how how she maintained the positive spirit throughout.

I would love your vote. Just click on the book cover below and click the 5 ☆☆☆☆☆ when you get to the voting page. You can vote each day until the contest closes.
 This Week's Article
What We Hold On To Blocks Us. What We Release Frees Us!
Allow Yourself to shine
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power-Alan Cohen

Alex Blackwell from The Bridegmaker has inspired today's Heart Whisper and this post. Alex's post  A Simple Path to Cutting Yourself Free touched a chord in me. The opening quote reminded my that holding on can stop one and I thought initially of an instance where I have done this recently. So I decided to take action.

"Free yourself from the burden of  feeling the need to hold on to anything." ~ Steve Maraboli
The first area (yes there is more than one!) that surfaced for me and that I needed to unblock or cut free  was on the financial front. I had been putting off completing the last year's accounts.

I knew I had put my head in the sand where the accounts and budgeting were concerned. Some wishing and hoping that magically a miracle would take care of everything. No that didn't happen, the magic fairy with the wand did not appear nor has the lotto win. :)


Please join in the community on the blog and do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispers!
Be Love Be Abundant Be Free
Suzie's Special Creative Change Package