[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Be Forgiving

Published: Mon, 04/22/13

Your Weekly Heart Whisper   
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Heart Whisper issue #30
"F orgiveness is the gift you give to yourself It allows the love that is within you to flow "

When we learn to forgive our heart responds with joy.

Do you have stories of forgiveness that have empowered you? Created change?
I would love to hear from you just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/
Suzie's News- the tech monster strikes!!!!
I have had an interesting, challenging weekend. Late Friday I discovered some funny garbled text lurking at the top of my blog page. I mentioned it to Des who said he would fix it. He then started to check his sites and said I think we have been hacked!

Straight onto the great support people at Hostgator   They were awesome and by 2.30am ( I know from the email) we were back online.
So while suziecheel.com and deswalsh.com were restored fully by Saturday morning we discovered that all of our wordpress sites that were not on the Genesis framework, would need to be rebuilt. It was a fun and productive Saturday while Des sorted out the mess. This was the first time we have been hacked- we now have very secure passwords and no more admin as user login.

THEN to add fuel to the tech challenges I decided to have a bath and was going to do to a chanting meditation from Devi and Premal. I have signed on to do their 21 day chanting meditation which starts on 23rd April.  Great idea and for some crazy reason I put my phone on the back edge of the bath- something I never do normally!
Next thing I was yelling out to Des that my phone had gone into the bath- he moved with speed and took the phone out of the case and went to dry it- it is now sitting in white rice in a sealed container. I am confident as i moved so swiftly and it was in a case that it will be revived.
Link if you ever drop your phone in water
How to save a wet mobile phone - and what not to do., There has been gifts that came out of this that you can read about on  Beach Inspirations: Be Grateful
 BEach Inspirations:  This Weeks Articles
Please join in the community on the blog and do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispering!
Have a week full of joy
Be Love
Suzie's Special Creative Change Package