[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Being Positive

Published: Mon, 05/06/13

[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Being  Positive
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Heart Whisper issue #32

Today's Heart Whisper was written for a friend who visited who was doubting herself. She has tests this week that will have a big impact on her life. After she left I sat down and wrote these words with the heart whisper and sent it to her. 

I was reminded that the thoughts we think and the words we use effect what our body hears and holds in the cells. We can only hold one thought at a time whether positive or negative.

I am living proof of this as I was reminded on facebook by my friend Stephanie who shared some research in a great article on the power of the mind when filled with  love, hope, optimism, positive belief, a sense of Oneness with the Universe, and other healing thoughts, your body's self-repair mechanisms flip on, and the body can heal itself. I am going to write a post on this after I have read more from the author of this research who is a medical doctor.

Suzie's News: Special Offer for You
Change is in the Air!

New Tag Line for my website: Love You Love Your Life. 

I loved Inspiration from the Heart but it didn't encompass my vision. Recently in a meditation I asked for guidance on the tag line and when I was journaling the words Love You Love Your Life flowed onto the paper. I then checked and the domain to my surprise was available so yes I bought it. It all felt good. Loving me has been the main focus of my healing journey and the message I am sharing in my book. 

To celebrate this change which I have made on the banner on my blog, on my Facebook Page and will be reflected in my products I have a special offer for you for this week ONLY 

Special price this week on my Creative Change Coaching Package that includes a Card Reading plus a clarity session. This package is normally  $397. Just for you this week you pay just $ 147. Here is the link
Magical May
Magic Happens
Be Magical in May
Last week I posted 2 more in the being series: Be Kind and Be Love. Yesterday I posted Be Magical In May:  I have shared the daily magic I have in my life and my Magical May Card Reading. I used Doreen Virtue's Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle cards and the reading has given me even more clarity as I move forward and make some changes that will empower me and you.
 I would love to hear from you just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to contact me  if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispering!
Have a magical week

Be Love 

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