[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Are You Listening?

Published: Mon, 05/13/13

[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Are You Listening?
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Hi , 
Heart Whisper Issue #33

Today's Heart Whisper came after a beautiful relaxing weekend with my brother Roger and sister-in-law Gabby who were visiting. I spent the weekend offline and yesterday started the week magically with a swim in the rain, so my vibes were high as I started the week.

The technical glitches that followed were not at the time magical!

Well maybe, just maybe I wasn't listening. I had drawn the card Listen in the morning and was sharing it in my blog post 

I was writing Celebrating My Mum when my blog post froze and I discovered that suziecheel.com folder had vanished. Later Hostagtor discovered that my folder had moved- the whole thing is a mystery. I got the blog post up and you can read about my very special mum hereThe heart for today's hearts whisper I chose as pink and green were my mum's favourite colours. 

Then I went to upload today's Heart Whisper and  Aweber froze! At that point I decided sleep and mediation were the best solution. :)

It is now Tuesday morning down under, another wet day so I am tucked up in bed writing this to you and wishing you a magical Monday. 

The messages continue for me: The card I drew today after my morning meditation was Accept Heaven's Help! I will be taking notice today of the Heart Whisper. :) The massage was to get out of the way and accept heaven's help!!!

Suzie's News: 
Change continues slowly

I am moving more slowly with the revamping my website and coaching packages to reflect my new tagline Love You Love Your Life.

So that is great news for you as I am extending my special offer for the Month of May. 

Special price this week on my Creative Change Coaching Package that includes a Card Reading plus a clarity session. This package is normally  $397. Just for you only $ 147. Here is the link 

Soul Art
I also took time out last week to clean my studio in preparation for International Soul Art Day which was a blast. I will be sharing my art on my page when I have completed it. 

Featured Article
Be Miraculous: Be a Miracle
Be Miraculous
Yes Be Miraculous! Be A Miracle!

Do you see yourself as a miracle? 

Do you expect miracles to happen in your life and to you? Or as Brad Yates asks: Do you choose to allow miracles. You can tap along with Brad The EFT Wizard in this wonderful video. CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF BE MIRACULOUS

 I would love to hear from you just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to contact me  if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispering!
Have a magical week

Be Love 

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