[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Trust Your Intuition

Published: Mon, 05/20/13

[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Trust Your Intuition
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Hi , 
Heart Whisper Issue #34

Today's Heart Whisper asks are you trusting your intuition. Last week we had an instance where I hadn't shared a feeling I had about a person that Des and I had met over a drink. Something arose where this person had done something that surprised Des. I then told him about my feeling when we had met. Des does say it's at his peril that he doesn't trust my intuition!

 Sometimes I forget to trust my intuition. I am now consciously being more aware of those little nudges, the gut feelings and listening more closely to my heart whispers.

As I do this I am noticing my life flowing and feeling peaceful. I would love to hear your stories of incidents when you haven't followed your intuition: Just hit reply to share.

Suzie's News: 
Sunday Switch Off: A Day for Me To just be

Yesterday I decided to have a day for me, unplug and relax. I had a wonderful day and today have been a wonderful start to the week.

I have made a 1 minute movie and shared in writing how i switched off and treated myself for the day. You can watch it here

May Special:
 Get in now while it lasts Creative Change Coaching Package that includes a Card Reading plus a clarity session for the very special to you only price of $97.
Here is the link 

Featured Article
Be Listening
Be Listening

 "The first duty of love is to listen." Paul Tillich

The message this week for me seems to be all about listening.
On Monday I drew the angel card Listen  from The Daily Guidance cards  and later that day I wrote the words below for your weekly Heart Whisper

Are you listening
Your angels ask?
We have a message for you.
Find a quiet place,
Be still.
Take out your journal,
Allow the words to flow...
Your heart whispers
Are guiding you to freedom

The angels must be really trying to get through to me as this morning when I was thinking about what BEach Inspiration  I would share today I decided to draw a card and yes it was Listen  again!

I then knew that the message for today was to be about listening. I didn't have this one pre-written in the sand, I didn't even have it on my list of BEach Inspirations CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF BE MIRACULOUS

 I would love to hear from you just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to contact me  if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispering and trust your intuition
Have a magical week

Be Love 

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