[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Time To Play

Published: Mon, 05/27/13

Your Weekly Heart Whisper: Time To Play

Your Weekly Heart Whisper Issue #35
Hi , 

Playing is something I have started to do more of and as I am feeling so much more love for me I am finding more joy in everything I am doing. Play come when we love and listen.

I played this weekend at a Quantum Healing workshop. This is part of my regrowing my bones healing program. I have done this workshop before and I did go with an open mind that I would learn more and have fun too.
It was a great weekend and I came back ready to see my healing as something I can embrace in a playful way and I picture that this will speed up the regrowing process. I have been seeing it as a bit of a chore. When one can't see or feel miraculous changes and have been told this is a 2 year process there are times I do wonder if the system is working. Yes more patience:)
Are you making more time to play and be and feel playful in each day?
Beach Inspiration: Be Big
A Learning Experience
Last week I finally completed my Soul Art work last week and found that it was all part of playing a bigger game and it did feel like play.
  • Don't get too big for your boots!
  • Keep your light under a bushell.
  • Don't blow your own trumpet!
  • Who do you think you are? 
were all phrases that came back yo me as I wrote this article  To see the paintings and read more click here

Do you own a copy of Your Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay?

I have just watched the intro video by Louise Hay for the upcoming Hay House World Summit. it has an amazing lineup of Hay House Authors and it is free. Some of my favorite people are going to be interviewed: Sonia Choquette and Doreen Virtue plus many more. Watch the video here
 To join in click the image to learn more. I am going to listen to some of my favorite spiritual teachers

I would love to hear from you just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to  contact me if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispering and take time to play
Have a magical week

Be Love

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