Gratitude Overcomes Fear [Your Weekly Heart Whisper #50]

Published: Mon, 09/09/13

 Weekly Heart Whisper #50: Gratitude Overcomes Fear
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This week at Suzie Cheel and Love You, Love Your Life
 On the Blog: Be Seen ~ Wrap Yourself in Color And Love
♥ Love You, Love Your Life new program coming mid-September 
The Tapping Solution Special Course- EFT
1. Blog Post : Be Seen~ Wrap Yourself in Color and Love
Heart Chakra

Do you hide your true colors?

I know I have been hiding some of me, my art and my business, I have great intentions and then I allow myself to be distracted and before I know it the day has gone and my to do or to love list as I have renamed it are missing the completion ticks! I don't know about you but what I find is that often leads to let's beat up on Suzie  That serves little purpose

We can hide our colours because you are in perfection mode, fear has reared it's head with thoughts of it's not good enough...... We can also hide behind dressing in beige rather than color. When I had my Textile Business I used to make clothing for people who like to stand out from the crowd, wearable art. The scarves are wearable art and  can be hung on your wall over a rod like a picture to enjoy when you are not wearing it.

Today I decided that it was time to share with you more of my color.  My Wrap Yourself in Love: Healing Art. These scarves are wearable art and I have added affirmations. Scarves and wraps as affirmations? What could that mean?  READ MORE

♥ Love You, Love Your Life new program coming mid-September 
I have a question for you ~ would you like to do A Self-love Boost where there will be a daily 15 minute calls for:
  1. 7 days 
  2. 10 days
  3. 14 days
Thanks hit reply and let me know what works for you

The Tapping Solution Special Training: 
I have used EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique as part of my healing and find it very powerful. Last week I listened to Nick Ortner on his training call and learned new ways to use EFT. Nick is offering a new course  on Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment CHECK it Out Here
I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at  Remember to  contact me if you have a question or a story to share.
Remember listen to your heart whispers  and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Let your bold heart shine
Radiate your love today.

all my love

The Love Yourself NOW Coach-
♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

 Are You Ready for more Joy in your life ? Check out the special Love You Coaching offer HERE 

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