Open Into Love [Your Weekly Heart Whisper #51]

Published: Mon, 09/16/13

 Weekly Heart Whisper #51: Open Into Love
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Happy Monday 

Thanks for your emails last week with your responses to the Self-Love Boost, 10 days is the current preference length for this Love intensive.

Today I started a new daily practice that of doing The Morning Pages from the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I got up 30 minutes earlier and wrote my 3 pages of subconscious writing in a new A4/letter size diary using coloured pens. I was surprised at how easily the words flowed and then after meditating I wrote in my journal and today's Heart Whisper words came from some of the verses I wrote.

Maybe you have done the morning pages? Please hit reply if you would like to share your journey into your creativity. 

This week at Suzie Cheel and Love You, Love Your Life

Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it. - Naomi Wolf

Blue is the color  of the clear sky, the sea, cornflowers, irises, of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality.of trust, peace, order and loyalty, of  sapphires. blue topaz and lapis lazuli.  Blue comes in so many shades and tones.  Today at the beach I could see the clear blues of the sky, the shades of aqua and turquoise of the water.

Watch the Blue Meditation and get 7 ways I have found that help in opening the throat chakra HERE

♥ I was so happy to be featured in Artella from Marney Makridakis's new Business Bohemia Membership!  You can enjoy my feature  article Abundance and Releasing here , and then you can also sign up for a FREE sample Business Bohemia Adventure from Artella: Technology Trolley, which includes tons of fantastic tools, downloads, and creative business Marney asks us to " Imagine a world where work feels like play!"

I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at  Remember  to contact me if you have a question or a story to share.
Remember listen to your heart whispers and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Let your joyful heart sparkle 
Radiate your love today.

all my love

The Love Yourself NOW Coach-
♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

 Are You Ready for more Joy in your life ? Check out the special Love You Coaching offer HERE 

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