Celebrate The Love [Your Weekly Heart Whisper #52]

Published: Mon, 09/23/13

 Weekly Heart Whisper #52: Celebrate the Love
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Happy Equinox 
Lots the celebrate with Fall/Autumn and Down Under Spring Equinox. This a great time for releasing  the old and sewing seeds for the changes you wish to see.
  1. Week 52 of Your Weekly Heart Whisper. This has been a weekly highlight writing this for you. I know from the comments I get that many of you appreciate your weekly whisperand often it helps and inspires you. Volume 2 will start in October and I am working on a Heart Whisper oracle card deck. There will be a surprise edition next week.  I would love if you shared your favorite heart from the series. Reply with your favourite number.
  2. The full moon which inspired this weeks blogpost
  3. I spent the weekend at  Exploring, Healing, Renewing with Mother Earth Workshop. This was great weekend of creativity, being in touch with Mother Nature plus some new drawings and an equinox painting. I even ate some weeds! Plus I got some gota kola to plant which I have been looking for since I heard it was great for back pain.
What are you celebrating this week? Do you celebrate the love that is you?
This week at Suzie Cheel and Love You, Love Your Life

 On the Blog: Are You Shining, or Hiding Your Light?

With 7 ways to help you shine your light 

As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson 

Are you letting you light shine brightly for you and the world to see or are you hiding your light under a bushel?

As the moon shone on Wednesday evening and there was magical energy, I planned aFull Moon ritual to release those those feelings and thoughts that I allow to creep in sometimes that bring on the FUD factor.  I wrote down in my journal that I would do a full moon painting.  I had no idea what would emerge onto the paper when I started to paint last night at 9.13pm.                                                                                               Keep Reading  HERE


 Are You Ready for more Joy, more fun and more abundance in your life ?  Check out my special Love You Coaching offer HERE 

I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to  contact me if you have a question or a story to share.
Remember listen to your heart whispers  and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Celebrate YOU 
Radiate your love today.

all my love

The Love Yourself NOW Coach-
♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

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