A Gift For You [Your Weekly Heart Whisper #53]

Published: Mon, 09/30/13

 Weekly Heart Whisper #53: Heart Whiper Gift
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This week I have made for you a movie and an e-book that has 12 of the 52 heart whispers in it. I hope you will be inspired and use it for reflection.
I really appreciate you,   being part of The Love You, Love Your Life Community and I look forward to another year of journeying with you on the path to loving you and your life more. If you have a favorite heart you would like included in the calendar I am having printed , just hit reply. i love hearing from you too :)

This week at Suzie Cheel and Love You, Love Your Life

 On the Blog: Color Prescription 6: Indigo and The Third Eye Chakra

This was a post full of memories for me as firstly I saw those indigo dye vats many years ago when I was working in Nigeria.

Working with The Color Indigo and The Third Eye Chakra 

"Learning to see is a matter of learning how to look and of having the patience to look long enough to find what you are seeking"~ Anodea Judith Indigo is the color of the deep midnight sky, of denim, of intuition and perception and is said to helpful in opening the third eye.  When I think of indigo I am taken back to the indigo dye vats                                                                                   Keep Reading HERE


♥ Amazing offer last day to get the special on The Amazing Biz and Life Academ y where I have found a special mastermind group. Over the past 5 years I have been looking for the "perfect" if that is possible mastermind group. Earlier this year I found it and have a wonderful support group. Besides the mastermind, the resources and forums are empowering and full of fun, creative spiritual women who run a wide range of businesses and have Leonie Dawson as their mentor and guide. Tomorrow the annual membership more than doubles, so if you join now you will lock in current annual membership price of $199 before it more than doubles. if you so join please let me know so we can connect inside the academy.

 Are You Ready for more Joy, more fun and more abundance in your life ? Maybe you would like to explore your chakras?Check out my special Love You Coaching offer HERE  before it goes up next week 

I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to contact me if you have a question or a story to share.
Remember listen to your heart whispers and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Enjoy your gift  
Radiate your love today.

all my love

The love Yourself Now Coach
♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

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