I Trust [Your Weekly Heart Whisper]

Published: Mon, 10/07/13

 Weekly Heart Whisper  07  October 2013  Volume II, Issue 1
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Today's heart whisper I painted in 2 stages came straight from my heart. I was thinking purple and blue came forth. I even mixed up a mauve and still blue appeared.
This was an exercise in trust. Trust that my inner wisdom did know what the message was to be. Maybe with the new series the wisdom will be simpler :)

There was a message on reflection for me as I have had to do "trust Suzie"exercises and meditations over the past when I allowed myself to be overwhelmed.
Maybe today you can take a few moments and see if there is an area of your life that would benefit from a dose of trust!

Thank you for the wonderful feedback last week on the Heart Whisper sampler video and the ebook- I have just been told the ebook link was not working. Here  are the links again in case you missed them
This week at Suzie Cheel and Love You, Love Your Life

 On the Blog: How To Manifest Your Intentions with the new moon

Relationships (all relationships) will be tweaked or even let go of. But, again, the most important relationship we have is the one with our self.How are we being asked to step forward? How are we being challenged this week. Look at what triggers you and learn if you could react a new way. Look where you can be your own authority but in a new way. -Louise Edington

I read these words in Louise's Cosmic Transition Report this week. The new moon today or tomorrow depending where you are in the world is on 4th/5th October.  I decided after sharing  iBe Shining:  my full moon ritual and reading the words look at what triggers you  that I have been addressing in the EFT course I am currently taking, that I would share what I will be doing to move forward with the energy of this new moon.

The new moon is a time for renewal, setting goals, (I prefer to use the word intention ) planting seeds and for reflection. A time of cleansing, releasing and new beginnings.   Time to step up and even shine. Do what you are here to do. 

Setting goals  has not been one of my favorite activities. This week I got out my planner  and felt a resistance to actually scheduling that was very strong, So I put it away. Not a good look as I found myself then in the wonderful state of overwhelm! Then in comes my friend procrastination. All in all not a good look or feel. A good time to manifest a healthier relationship with self!

Please vote for my blog: Blog With Heart Award

So exciting, my blog has been nominated for Soul Speaks Blog With Heart Award and I would love to be one of the top 50 blogs to receive this award. Thanks in advance. To vote GO HERE and leave a comment and say why you think http://suziecheel.com aka Love YOU, Love Your Life deserves to win
I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to  contact me if you have a question or a story to share.
Remember listen to your heart whispers  and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Trust You 
Radiate your love today.

all my love

The love Yourself Now Coach
♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

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