[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Heart's Desire

Published: Mon, 10/14/13

 Weekly Heart Whisper  14  October 2013  Volume II, Issue 2
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My heart dances with joy 

As I allow my intuition out to play

I embrace my colours and my light

I am shining

I wrap myself in rainbow love

I smile and feel at peace.

Following one's hearts desire can open up new pathways and new opportunities
if we are listening to those small nudges, the whisper that says your I can.

Today's heart whisper that I drew and painted this morning is a sister to the one I leapt out of bed at 4.15 am to paint last week. I felt supported by myself and by the wonderful comments I have received on the Heart's Desire blog post I wrote last Friday 

I am doing daily exercises to keep my Heart's Desire at the front of my life. You know sometimes the everyday things of biz and life allow our true desires to be put aside to get what we feel "should" get done! 
What do you do to keep your heart's desire at the forefront  of your life?

This week at Suzie Cheel and Love You, Love Your Life

 On the Blog: Be Desiring: Creating Your Heart's Desire

Are You Embracing Your Hearts Desire? Part 1

Although I usually wake up early in the morning,for the past month or so I have tended to pull the covers up and dose off again. Not today! When I woke up at 4.15am, still dark, instead of rolling over, I jumped out of bed and headed straight to the studio to paint, I felt a new energy .

I have been struggling with working out what is my heart's desire in terms of my life's purpose. I knew my purpose and my soul's journey was all about love, the universe had delivered that message loud and clear back in July 2011.  

Yesterday Des my partner, soulmate and the love of my life ,as well as my beach coach has suggested that my vision was all in my head, not something I was feeling and suggested I journal and then paint as that is how I get clarity.

When he asked late yesterday had I written anything out I said no. I said I had been listening to Sonia Choquette's online course Creating Your Heart's Desire  and I had been reviewing my journal from the course. I felt excited, yes I felt an energy shift from the discussion that started on the beach walk with me feeling  overwhelmed to now when I feel excited and energised.

This is how I expressed my heart's desire in words in my journal after I had been meditating: My true heart's desire is to experience total freedom and this comes when I  shine my light on the world and share my gifts that truly colour the world, create change and empower others through love, to create and live the life they truly desire. I do this through my art and my words. I was excited the words I had written I felt were reflected in the painting I had done earlier this morning. The painting  said to me yes this is my heart's desire, full of love, of colour, of abundance, of life, of change and there was a dancing spirit. Then the rainbow. .  Keep Reading 

Please vote for my blog: Blog With Heart Award
Thanks to those of you who have voted, I appreciate you :)
So exciting, my blog has been nominated for Soul Speaks Blog With Heart Award and I would love to be one of the top 50 blogs to receive this award. Thanks in advance. To vote GO HERE and leave a comment and say why you think http://suziecheel.com aka Love YOU, Love Your Life deserves to win
I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to  contact me if you have a question or a story to share.
Remember listen to your heart whispers  and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Let your heart's desire shine 
Radiate your love today.

all my love

The love Yourself Now Coach
♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

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