[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Go Within And Reflect

Published: Mon, 01/06/14

Heart Whisper Volume 11 No 13

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Hi ,
Thank you to all of you who emailed me last week, yes I am much better and the heart murmur was a false alarm, 2 more weeks of rest! I am becoming a master of the art of rest.

This week's heart whisper comes from the words that came after I questioned the word that came to me in meditation: courage. As a friend said: This is the courage to be kinder to yourself ... the courage to go within even deeper and live those whispers of your heart.

Have you chosen a word for the year?

This week at Heart Whisper

Blog Post: Did You Chose Your Power Word for 2014 From Your Head Or Your Heart

Why Just One Word?

   "It is with words as with sunbeams-the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn."~Robert Southey 

Last year I didn't settle for just one word, I initially chose abundance and then I switched to Faith and made it even more complex by adding in fun, abundance, intuition, trust and heart thinking this would give me FOCUS ( the word my head felt I should have chosen.

Big Mistake! With hindsight I realize anyone could see that was too much complication for any sort of focus.

How My Word for 2014 Came To Me

This year I was working like a lot of others on having 3 words. I thought that Love was going to be one of my words, I had already made the image for it! Then I was going to add Focus and maybe Abundance. At this point I realized I was still in my head, not my heart
Then on Tuesday in meditation the word courage was given to me. It was like a whisper from my heart. I pondered on this and then yesterday I asked my guides were they sure about courage and they were very firm.

So I have decided that my power word will be courage.

I love the fact that the latin origin of the word courage is cor, meaning heart as in the Italian word coraggio. So, very appropriate, given my Heart Whispers, being called the Heart Whisperer and my desire to start a Heart Whisper Revolution not to mention some recent tests for a Heart Murmur which I am happy to report are positive. Just 2 more weeks of resting.

So how do I see Courage playing out and supporting me in 2014?
To get some clarity on this, I started by painting and then went walking with Des, talking about my word and these words came to me:

I need courage to stop looking outwards, to stop comparing myself to others, to go within, to reflect, to be still, to listen so that I can go without  authentically and effectively.

Today I finished the painting. Join the conversation and see the painting HERE

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I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to contact me if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your hearts whispers and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Let your heart shine 

Until next time

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More Love ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

[Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

Let Me Show You How

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