[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Release To Allow The New To Flow

Published: Mon, 01/20/14

Heart Whisper Volume 11 Issue 15

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 Thank you for all your comments last week, yes I do read them all and reply.

Today's heart whisper was done in response to a 21 Day Painting Meditation Challenge I am taking. I am working on releasing both what no longer serves me and what no longer brings me joy. Tomorrow's video at Suzie TV will be about releasing and letting go.

Do you find that holding on to "stuff"stops you? Maybe even holds you back? I know on Saturday as I was clearing a mountain of paper and folders full of courses I felt a release as I filled out paper recycling bin.

As part of my releasing I will be extending my crazy sale until January 31st  2014. This is more of my own releasing process. I would love to hear your stories of releasing :)  NEW coupon code HWSALE
Save 50%. Discount at http://etsy.com/shop/suziecheel

Valid through January 31st 2014


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I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to contact me if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your hearts whispers and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Remember to believe in you 

Until next time

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More Love ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

Suzie Cheel, the Heart Whisperer, is an intuitive artist. self-love and abundance coach, an inspirational author, speaker and healer. Suzie's mission is to help people cut through their disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of their heart, where true wisdom is found. .
Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

Let Me Show You How

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