How was your week ? Mine had highs
and lows and some lessons from the universe that surprised me.
The words in todays Heart Whisper come as a result of the wonderful Harmonising Energy session I had with Margaret Saunders last Tuesday. I created my Golden vision board for 2014 following that session.
My Soul Story is featured on Soul Speak by Jodi Chapman- I was both surprised and delighted as the response has been great.
This weeks Suzie TV i made in response to my soul story. Yes I know time to get my book written. A March activity
My downer of the week was when Des was helping
me move my computer and external hard drive from desk back to the bed- the back was calling for a heat pad- when it fell on the floor -carpeted- and I am praying and visualising that the data- all my graphics- will be returned.
Follow those nudges, signs, inkings you get. On the Monday I got a nudge to put all my documents up in the cloud! Did I follow my own intuition, NO!
The high
about this was that I stayed really calm, rang a friend who is a tech whizz and he is now seeing what can be done- stage one is not positive. In the past I would have yelled at Des for being so careless, been angry, gone off in a huff, wasted time and energy thinking the worst, you get the picture, not a pretty
I have stayed calm, much to Des's surprise, frustrated at times as is being given a service, clean installation and new look and my PSD
files are on that drive, not to mention all my artwork!
I feel this is all part of releasing the past and bringing forth the new, reminding myself that the answers are within
and what needs to be shared will come forth with ease.