[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] When We Forgive

Published: Mon, 12/02/13

Heart Whisper Volume 11 No 9
Hi ,

Forgiveness came up for me twice today. Firstly with Brandon Bays in her Global Gathering this morning. She asked us to ask ourselves : How do I need to be forgiven? Then a friend drew a card for me which was:
Forgive yourself - You are human. You make mistakes. Make peace with yourself.

Brandon took us through a meditation and journey process for making peace with the past grievances and step into 2014 radiating with love, self-acceptance, and a renewed passion for life. This was powerful and I did feel a release of stuff that I had allowed to block me. A great start to a new month.

As I chose todays Heart Whisper the words above came to me. As I am writing this ezine, I have a smile on my face  and a picture of my heart opening into love and acceptance that I know I desire.

Maybe, there is an area of you life, someone who needs your forgiveness, maybe you need to forgive yourself so you can step into 2014 radiating with love, self-acceptance, and a renewed passion for life.

New This Week:Giving Thanks: From My Heart To Yours


              Abundance Flows From The Wings Of Gratitude- Suzie Cheel

Today all my American friends celebrate thanksgiving which too me seems a tradition that I would love to have as an annual event here in Australia.Every day is a day to be grateful for. Give thanks for the abundance that we have within us and around us.  (It's a tweetable )

Being grateful is also said to make us healthier from recent research

Being grateful is a topic I have written a lot about. It is a daily practice for me, it has helped me to heal  and I believe is one that we can never have enough of. The more grateful we are the stronger our gratitude muscle becomes.

7 Tools to Build Your Gratitude Muscle

Ezine Update: Changes + Your Free Meditation
Besides the Weekly Heart Whisper new subscribers will get:
  • The Self Love Meditation which you can download here. (Right Click to download)
  • Tools and tips from the blog to help you cut through the disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of your heart where wisdom is found.
  • From January 2014. A monthly drawing for a  Heart Whisper session via skype with me which will include a digital version of a painting or drawing of your own personal heart whisper. 
I love hearing from you, just hit reply or leave a comment at http://suziecheel.com/  Remember to  contact me if you have a question or a story to share.

Remember listen to your hearts whispers and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life.
Let your heart shine and be forgiving 

Until next time

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More Joy ♥ More Fun ♥ More Abundance ♥ 

[Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

Let Me Show You How

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