♥ WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS this week! I love that you are here. My intention is that you will be inspired to Love You, Listen to your Heart and Transform Your Life. Always believe you are enough.♥
Hi ,
This week's Heart Whisper is yellow. Yellow is the color of the third chakra our solar plexus. This is the warrior chakra and maybe our most
challenging chakra. This chakra determines what we believe about ourselves, it is where we develop our self esteem self-confidence and become empowered.
Welcome to spring or fall depending where you are in the world. A great time to birth something new.
It is also a great time to check in with your heart, do some journaling and maybe meditate more. I have had lots of time for that after my eye attracted an infection and time away from the computer was a must.
It was a good time for
reflecting and I am going to open up 5 spots for new coaching clients. To see if this is a match for you............
I have times this week and next, where I am offering you a
You might be struggling
with a big decision?
Maybe You lack clarity right now in your life and/or business?
Maybe you feel blocked?
You may have a health issue like I did that stopped me and in our 30 minutes with my special Heart whisper process you will get clarity.
Book Your Session here