[Heart Whisper Inspiration] Embracing Change

Published: Thu, 10/16/14

Heart Whisper Volume II Issue 46 
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WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS this week!  I love that you are here. My intention is that you will be inspired to Love You, Listen to your Heart  and Transform Your Life. Always believe you are enough.
Hi  ,

Do you embrace change? Today's heart whisper is all about change!. The heart whisper painting reflects the energies that come when we embrace change. 
Right now I am embracing change in my business, there is change going on at the website, we are moving house and cities PLUS next week I will be launching inviting you to come on a Journey to Joy where we will explore the emotions of change. Yes making the leap to change comes with a variety of emotions before we get to the Joy.
In this Issue:

♥ Latest from the Blog: IF YOU COULD WAVE A MAGIC WAND
♥ Win Your own Heart Whisper Painting
When I believe and let go, I can then star in my own life and create a ripple effect of change...~Suzie

Do you love change?  Do you fear change? Does it excite you? Does it scare you?I used to always love change, saw it as an adventure. The past few years while I have experienced much change, especially on the health front, there is part of me that has withdrawn and felt fear around change. That has then spilled over into other areas of my life. There are elements of hiding, well that’s safe and then I don’t need to step outside what’s safe and known  BORING! So yes it’s time for change.............

Win a Heart Whisper Coaching Session and get your own Digital Heart Whisper Painting
win a heart

What will you CHANGE in your life this week?

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ 

Suzie Cheel, the Heart Whisperer, is an intuitive artist. Self-love and abundance coach, an inspirational author, speaker and healer. Suzie's mission is to help people cut through their disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of their heart, where true wisdom is found. .

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