[Heart Whisper Inspiration]Abundance and Reclaim Your Health

Published: Thu, 10/23/14

Heart Whisper Volume II Issue 47 
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WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS this week!  I love that you are here. My intention is that you will be inspired to Love You, Listen to your Heart  and Transform Your Life. Always believe you are enough.
Hi  ,
Tonight I am getting ready for the Reclaim your Health Summit tomorrow when I am speaking on The Healing Power of Self-Love. You can catch it at 6pm EST on 24th October that's 9AM AEDST on 25th. All the details are here and yes it is free.
 See below for more info and an interview with one of the founders. Genevieve Kohn. 

Today's Heart Whisper comes from the Abundance card I drew on Monday and inspired me to make it a feature on my Facebook page  each day with a daily affirmation for you. 
In this Issue:

♥ Latest from the Blog: ARE YOU BEING YOU?
Are You Ready To Reclaim Your Health?
Has your health gotten out of control? Do you want to feel better about your body, your energy level and your life?
Reclaim Your Health Summit
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 Are you being You?


Are You Being True, Really True To You?

Or Are you Still Sitting On The Fence Waiting For That Magic Moment To Shine Your Light On The World?

Win a Heart Whisper Coaching Session and get your own Digital Heart Whisper Painting
win a heart
Join me at the Reclaim Your life e-summit

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ 

Suzie Cheel, the Heart Whisperer, is an intuitive artist. Self-love and abundance coach, an inspirational author, speaker and healer. Suzie's mission is to help people cut through their disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of their heart, where true wisdom is found. .

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