[Heart Whisper Inspiration] Surrender and Release Into Love

Published: Wed, 08/13/14

Thank you so much for being a part of the Heart Whisper REVOLution. I love that you are here

WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS!  I love that you are here.My intention is that you will be inspired to Love Yourself, Listen to your Heart  and Change Your Life. Always believe you are enough.
Hi ,

It's been a slow week for me, I have been resting and healing, some wonderful sessions at the beach in the sun, topping up the vitamin D. On Monday I even ventured into the sea for a swim. This was the first time in a bout a month- my plan to swim each week in winter has fallen off track. The water was wonderful.

The knee is healing and I thought I was doing brilliantly until yesterday I went to knee on the floor and was hit with a stab of pain. Off to doctor tomorrow so will get it checked out.

EXCITING NEWS: I have been playing and having fun designing the Heart Whisper Oracle Deck. If there is a particular heart whisper image that you love, let me know. You can check out the archive. If you are new to The Heart Whisper, we are now in our second edition at issue #39 and there were 52 in the First edition. My plan is that by August 25th you will be able to order them.

Today's Heart Whisper: This is for a very special friend of mine, Heather Bestel who is currently facing a serious health challenge and is in hospital. Letting go and having to surrender have been big lessons for her.

So often we have to be faced with a health challenge to totally stop. We no longer can be there for everyone and we have to take the time to really listen to our Heart Whispers and be guided, listen and trust.

This week I am doing  A Healing Prayer circle for Heather at 6.30 am AEST, that's 9.30pm UK, 1.30 PST 2.30pm MST 4.30 EST. If you feel guided to join in then or at other times that would be wonderful.

ON The Blog The Healing Power of Gratitude
Putting the words and thoughts into action

After what has been a very success Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge  I had great plans to look start a new Heart Weekly Whisper Wednesday video series. This would be part of Suzie TV and I will share my Heart Whisper stories and answer any questions you may have. I did rest and relax last weekend as I had forgotten the demands that 31 days of blogging takes.

Head on over to the blog to keep reading and comment, thank you.

PS if you subscribe to the blog by email or RSS you will get the weekly blog post

     Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

                             Need a guide? Check in here...
Have a  wonderful week full of gratitude and abundance. 

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ 

Suzie Cheel, the Heart Whisperer, is an intuitive artist. Self-love and abundance coach, an inspirational author, speaker and healer. Suzie's mission is to help people cut through their disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of their heart, where true wisdom is found. .
Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

Heart Whisper Special

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