[Heart Whisper Inspiration] When We Rest We Allow Healing to Take Place

Published: Wed, 08/20/14

♥ Heart Whisper Volume II Issue 40 ♥
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Hi ,
Do you take time out to rest and take care of you? I know sometimes we forget or life takes over :)
 Last week  I know that just by being kind to me and taking time out, my levels of love, joy and happiness rose. Add in a good dose of gratitude for good measure.

When we are kind to ourselves we have more love and compassion and with that we can speed up healing, not to mention giving ourselves a dose of kindness.

ON The Blog: 12 Quotes To Inspire Self Kindness
Are you kind to you? Do you take time for self-care, show yourself compassion? Each Day?
If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete ~Buddha

Something happens and all your great intentions to be kind to you vanish into thin air.  Self Compassion goes into hiding and you feel flat. I felt that way yesterday after a visit to the doctor. I was having my knee checked after my fall last week.

Anyway the news wasn't good- was told that the healing of the knee was going to take 3 months and that ice was the only treatment, of course along with rest! Then to top it off my blood pressure that I thought was back to normal was too high! My doctor gets concerned as high blood pressure and kidneys do not go hand in hand and she is being cautious I understand that. As Des says I never really got how
close to death I came.

Head on over to the blog to keep reading and please comment, thank you.

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     Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

Have a  wonderful week full of love, gratitude and abundance. 

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ 

Suzie Cheel, the Heart Whisperer, is an intuitive artist. Self-love and abundance coach, an inspirational author, speaker and healer. Suzie's mission is to help people cut through their disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of their heart, where true wisdom is found. .
Are you listening to the whispers of your heart?

Heart Whisper Special

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