[HeART Whisper] ~ Create Your Own Love Rush

Published: Thu, 02/19/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 7 ♥

 WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS I love that you are here. My intention is that you will be inspired to Love You, Listen to your Heart  and Transform Your Life. Always believe you are enough.
Hi ,
We are celebrating love this week and loving YOU.

Today's Heart Whisper came  right from my grateful heart. 
I have restarted my daily morning practice of standing in front of the mirror and saying.  I love you Suzie, I really love you.  this delights my body and all my cells.

The words came in a meditation about loving and being kind to me.
So put you name in here and copy the word and put them up on your mirror and carry it in your wallet.

You might like to use this weeks Heart Whisper as your screen saver- if you do hit reply and I will send you your own personalised one as my gift to you. Maybe a good poster too?

 Dear .......,

Your heart whispers I love you, I am so grateful to you. I am a blessing to you and the world. Today I will be gentle and kind with you. Today I will allow you to shine, you will feel your passion. You will listen to your heart’s whispers and know that you are beautiful, you are whole and you are love. 

I have started a series of videos inspired by one of our Heart Whisperers,  Melissa Groom from Empowered Mums. Melissa  is running a 30 day video challenge on Facebook to help us get out messages out to the world. She twisted my arm and I am happy she did as I had forgotten how much I like making videos for you. It's fun ")   

 You can see the Nine i have made so far, here.


Happiness is a choice

How to Create a rush of love to you

I Love You, I Really Love You…….

How often do you say those words to yourself? How often do you stand in front of the mirror and said I love you ( your Name). I really love you……. How does that make you feel?

I started many years ago when I first read You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I stood in front of the mirror and said: I love and accept you. It is a practice I have stopped and started over the years.This week I have started to do again each morning when I wake up and before I head to my studio to paint. It makes me come alive, like my cells stat to dance and I have a big smile on my face. My body feels loved.

Until next week

Suzie xxoo
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ ​​

Work With Suzie

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