[HeART Whisper] ~ Love Comes When We Release Fear

Published: Thu, 03/12/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 10

 WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS I love that you are here. My intention is that you will be inspired to Love You, Listen to your Heart  and Transform Your Life. Always believe you are enough.
Hi ,

Does FEAR stop you shining your light, hold you back in many ways?

I discovered last week as part of The Big Bold Creative Life Course that I am doing with Melissa Dinwiddie that I still have some fear to address to move forward.

 I discovered that I found it easier to ignore it, rather than face it at this current moment!. Somehow I find that that puts me back in the holding pattern rather than the leaping forward mode!

How do you deal with fear?

Today's Heart Whisper is Heart 37 of  my 100 hearts series that  I started recently to allow more love to come through and to keep my daily creative painting practice alive.

I am loving getting back into my creative practice, having fun and working out the best way to start to monetize my art.

For members of the Heart Whisper ezine there is a new secret Heart whisper Circle group coming on facebook.

NOT SURE if you are on the heart whisper list ?

Just check on the manage your subscription link at the end of the email. if you find that you are on one of my older lists.  If that is the case go her and join the heart whisper circle.


Do you say yes to you

I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it”― Louise L. Hay

This comes with a video that I made at the beach on releasing.

What Are You Willing to Release Today?

Today I drew the River Queen Oracle Card  from the Wisdom of The Hidden Realms oracle cards. it tied in magically with today’s video for Willing Wednesday on releasing and letting go. I loved the synchronicty. The message from the card was about ~flow, letting go, natural movement,

What Are You Willing to Release Today?
Until next week

Suzie xxoo
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ ​​

Work With Suzie

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