Heart Whisper II Issue 52~ Celebrate The Love That Is You

Published: Tue, 12/30/14

Heart Whisper Volume II Issue 52
WELCOME To all the NEW SUBSCRIBERS over the past 2 weeks. I love that you are here. My intention is that you will be inspired to Love You, Listen to your Heart  and Transform Your Life. Always believe you are enough.
Hi ,
Yes it's celebration time, this is the final issue for 2014 of your Weekly Heart whisper. There have now been 104 issues and i would like to thank you all for supporting this me and this ezine.

This issue is late coming out because when I got stopped 2 weeks ago, little did I know I really had overdone it and got a dose of sciatica. That has slowed everything down for me and my studio is still to be unpacked and set up.

So I apologise that there was no Birthday issue, I have been listening to my body and resting. Healing is happening, slower than I would like. I did have a great birthday and was treated well. 

As I plan 2015, I will be including a treat for you all.

There are changes afoot- based on the survey you all completed.

My planning will be happening over the next week and we will start 2015 with the 3rd Volume of The Weekly Heart Whisper.

Plus there will be new headers with the new tagline
Abundance, Creativity and Self-Love for Wild Souls.

Now I am off to make a video for my blog on cutting the chords of 2014.

Ready to change in 2015? Shine your light  and let your best shine. Join me and get your special planner  to support your life and/or biz growth. Mine arrived in the special box and you can download it or use it online- whatever works for you.

Amazing Life and biz Planner

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


Listening to the whispers of your heart brings

♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ 

Suzie Cheel, the Heart Whisperer, is an intuitive artist. Self-love and abundance coach, an inspirational author, speaker and healer. Suzie's mission is to help people cut through their disempowering mind chatter and listen to the whispers of their heart, where true wisdom is found. .

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