Do You Ask Your Heart Whispers To Guide You?

Published: Thu, 06/11/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 21 ♥

Hi ,

Today's Heart Whisper that is part of the 365 Daily Painting project I painted for a friend's birthday today and these words flowed as I wrote the card :

Embrace the love that you are.

Open your heart and listen to the wisdom within.

This week there is an asking meditation on the blog that will guide you to ask and listen. :) 

New on The Blog 

Do You Ask Your Heart Whispers To Guide You On Your Why?

I drew thaske ask card from Daily Guidance with your Angels on Thursday morning and then I read Nicole Cody’s post “That Asking Space”.  This was on asking for your why. I felt that there was a big message for me here.

Ms Independence has had a challenge asking  for help, anyone else get that? Over the past few weeks I have been actively asking more and more. I know I can’t do it all alone!


Heart Whisper Circle Group IS OPEN

I would love to welcome you there
Did you get your invitation?  Here is the link to join
Please do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share.Remember listen to your heart whisper!

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


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