[Heart Whisper] Do You Ever Make Mud?

Published: Fri, 06/19/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 23 ♥

Hi ,
What a week, I lost the plot early in the week, all my plans went out the window. You have weeks or days like that? 

I did get to have a super funfilled day celebrating Des's birthday yesterday, the best part at Seaworld spending time with dolphins and pelicans. Magical and very calming. Amazing how a special day out gives one a new perspective and lots of love. Plus he did get a heart shaped gluten free chocolate mud cake. 
The one thing that has been consistent this week is my daily heart whisper paintings. 

They too have been giving me learning messages. This was one: 

Do you ever do this:
Just one more stroke, one word etc?:
I kept repainting the background of the painting above, adding more brushstrokes until I heard that little inner voice ( my heart whisper) say that's enough!
A few more strokes and I might have created mud!

I shared this heart whisper painting in the group and received the following responses:

" Often" from Tanya and "Very often....still learning to take notice" from Di.

Why is it that we can't just see what we have done as perfect as it is now?

What do you do to stop yourself making MUD? 

Hit reply and let me know or comment on Facebook or in the group
Not in the group hit reply and ask to join:) 

Have You Joined The Heart Whisper Circle?

I am sharing my daily heart whisper painting here, part of my 365 Painting Heart Whisper project. 
Did you get your invitation?  Here is the link to join  https://www.facebook.com/groups/heartwhispercircle/
Please do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share. Remember listen to your heart whisper!

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


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