Are You Being Kind to You ?

Published: Mon, 10/12/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 36 ♥


This week's Heart Whisper is no 250 and the start of series 6 in the Heart Whisper 365 daily painting challenge.

Yes,  I am still going there have been a couple of days in the past week, where I think maybe not today and somehow my Heart Whispers yes you can and out comes the watercolors and papr. :) 

When I shared this last week in the Heart Whisper Circle 

Jean said this was her favourite one so far,

Kim saw it as " the opportunity for kindness & compassion on this beautiful day.

Di as opening to love

Tanya: A joyous celebration

What do you see in this painting? Hit reply and share with me. 

The words  I have written today reflect where I was at this morning when I realised I was giving myself a hard time for all the things I haven't done I said I would do :)
My guides gave me another thump with handing me the Judgement card.

​So today I am giving me and all of you permission to show kindness and compassion towards yourself and give yourself an inner namste for all the magic you do create.


The Business Oracle Card  Brings a Clear Message

My Healing Art Gallery Is Open For Business

I drew the Business  Card for the first time on Tuesday. It is from Sonia Choquette's Ask Your Guides Oracle Deck and I just love the picture. This is a picture I am now embracing for my business. I love the Goddess Venus shining down on the money love tree.

Venus is the goddess of love and money.  It is time for me to embrace my messages of love with money.  As Sonia Says:

Business is an art, which you can master if you work from the heart and work with love ~ Sonia Choquette      READ MORE 

One Happy Customer: Christmas Gifts now online
 My friend Kimberly was the first customer in the Red Bubble Shop and this is what she said: 
Thank you 
Suzie Cheel!! My FB friend Suzie designed and created all the heart images on this mug, and I love it! Suzie, when you see this can you please post a link here in the comments in case any of my friends want one, too? Peeps the photo DOES NOT do it justice, it’s just so vibrant and happy and lovely in person!!! PS there are 2 styles of mugs- Normal and Tall 
There are cards, prints, cushions, leggings, mugs, duvet covers and more. Treat yourself and your loved ones with some heart love today. 

There will be a new design going up daily now. 

Please do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share. Remember listen to your heart whisper!

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


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