Can You See The Perfection That Is You ?

Published: Wed, 07/29/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 28 ♥

Hi ,

The concept of being perfect was presented to me several times last week. Something I shy away from thinking to much about . I can get right on the procrastination trail when I operate from everything having to be perfect. 
This is a different take on seeing you and you life as perfect and stepping into the new you. Read the blog post and let me know if you can see you as perfect in the moment ? 


When Do Your Believe That You Are Perfect In This Moment?​

“When we se the perfection that we are, then we see how simple life truly is. Sometimes it is getting to the perfection that we are is the challenge. “ ~ Suzie

The title of today’s blog post and the words of the heart whisper came from last weeks post on Chocolate Slabs and Keeping it SimpleKat Kanovos said in her comment :

Suzie, you hit the nail right on it’s simple little head when you said life is simple, we keep adding complicated layers to it. Yes we do! We want to perfect perfection because life is perfect in all it’s perfections just like the painting.

and I replied: KEEP READING

Join Me  and Get Your Diamond Shining
Do you love video, or would you like to use video  to get people to know you better. You might want to share you art, your message etc.

My friend Melissa  is running 6th Round of the 30 day Video Challenge.
It's only $97 to join and you will have lifetime access to the 30 + videos, a workbook, support and feedback from over 200 women in the group Check out the testimonials here

I did her first challenge which was great: Melissa makesit easy for you to get started, even if you are scared, have never made a video......

You don't have to share those first videos anywhere except in the private Facebook group, where you will get lots of support.

I am going back to get my video hat back on in August and share my 365 day Heart Whisper daily painting via video.
BTW these are just short videos so easy to do and can be done with your phone. 

Please let me know if you are joining in so we can support one another.
Here is the link to get all the details of what you get. 
Have you joined the Heart Whisper Circle on Facebook?

Please do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share. Remember listen to your heart whisper!

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


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